Our board, officers, editors, writers, and other associated partners happily volunteer their time and money to the cause when and if the need arises – and the CIMSEC community was more than kind during our opening Kickstarter campaign. We are starting this steady-state funding drive now out of a desire to continue building our long-term institutional resilience. Since our plan is to remain advertisement free, we make the humble request that our community members and supporters consider a charitable monthly donation. Mahan noted that modern steam-powered navies needed coaling stations to be an effective global force the modern internet-ship of CIMSEC needs a reliable constellation of funding stations. However, helping us provide a regular donation stream gives CIMSEC the stability to plan long term for regular costs, and the flexibility to pursue new events, projects, and expansion ventures. CIMSEC membership, and all the content on this website, will be free – Forever. First, let’s all savor that free part – because we mean it.